Classe Internationale

Votre revue d'analyse internationale

Étiquette : Central African Republic

Post-Conflict UN Peacebuilding: the environment as a pathway towards a sustainable peace

Post-Conflict UN Peacebuilding: the environment as a pathway towards a sustainable peace

The environment can be seen as a major factor in conflicts, especially when it comes to the long-term effects of climate change. Indeed, it can be at the center of some major society inequalities and distensions, therefore influencing peace in many ways. Nonetheless, it can also be used to help create social cohesion, state capacity and legitimacy and therefore a more sustainable and fair society, acting on root causes of violence and helping prevent a relapse into conflict. This paper will thus analyze both how conflicts can be created by the environment and how it can be used to create state and social cohesion in some innovative ways.

Opening up the Great Lakes Region – the challenges of East Africa

Opening up the Great Lakes Region – the challenges of East Africa

Very few countries have not been built around sea routes and harbours, seemingly infinite sources of international trade and national…
