Classe Internationale

Votre revue d'analyse internationale

Catégorie : English

Post-Conflict UN Peacebuilding: the environment as a pathway towards a sustainable peace

Post-Conflict UN Peacebuilding: the environment as a pathway towards a sustainable peace

The environment can be seen as a major factor in conflicts, especially when it comes to the long-term effects of climate change. Indeed, it can be at the center of some major society inequalities and distensions, therefore influencing peace in many ways. Nonetheless, it can also be used to help create social cohesion, state capacity and legitimacy and therefore a more sustainable and fair society, acting on root causes of violence and helping prevent a relapse into conflict. This paper will thus analyze both how conflicts can be created by the environment and how it can be used to create state and social cohesion in some innovative ways.

The EU’s ambivalent attitudes on Algeria’s shale gas extraction

The EU’s ambivalent attitudes on Algeria’s shale gas extraction

The exploitation of shale gas, particularly through hydraulic fracturing, has sparked significant debate due to its environmental and social impacts. This paper examines the EU’s ambivalent stance on shale gas extraction, focusing on the case of Algeria, a country rich in shale gas reserves. Despite the EU’s internal policies that discourage fracking due to its environmental risks, some member states support shale gas extraction abroad, notably in Algeria. Since 2013, Algeria has become a focal point of conflict over shale gas, experiencing both local and national protests against fracking. These protests highlight the environmental and social ramifications of shale gas exploitation, such as water contamination, air pollution, and social inequality.

Hollywood, the epitome of the United States’ global power

Hollywood, the epitome of the United States’ global power

Hollywood is a film industry that has been making more than 500 movies per year for many decades. These movies are consistently among the top ten of the international box office. Such a success allows Hollywood to be in a leading position on the international film market. However, how come Hollywood thrives and displays so much cinematographic power? By broadcasting American values and geopolitical stances worldwide, Hollywood is no doubt a tool for the United States’ soft power.

Hosting embassies at Louis XIV’s & Qianlong’s courts: two rulers, one guest ritual?

Hosting embassies at Louis XIV’s & Qianlong’s courts: two rulers, one guest ritual?

Although Louis XIV is more commonly associated with the Kangxi emperor, when it comes to guest ritual, the analogy with his grandson the Qianlong emperor appears quite relevant. Not only did the two rulers share a common conception of the guest ritual, in particular for embassies from afar, they also lent it a similar meaning and political function in the construction of their royal authority. Centered around diplomatic protocol, this quiet battle between two sovereigns during diplomatic visits sheds a light on the underlying conflictuality which underpins the meeting of two civilizations.



When it comes to negotiation analysis, several transversal aspects are often studied and mentioned by scholars: culture, symmetries in power, leadership, etc. Gender is rarely one of them. However, resolution 1325…

EU strategic autonomy and the current framework of the transatlantic partnership

EU strategic autonomy and the current framework of the transatlantic partnership

The history of transatlantic relations has often been marked by doctrines defining American foreign policy – isolationism, exceptionalism, Monroe Doctrine, Truman Doctrine, unilateralism, including Trump’s recent…

China’s politics at the 8th FOCAC: A withdrawal from Africa?

China’s politics at the 8th FOCAC: A withdrawal from Africa?

African leaders had their eyes set on a giant screen, where Xi Jinping stated on a live video from Beijing, with a calm and unemotional voice, that…

“We will soon miss the Cold War”: The meaning of 1990 for World Geopolitics

“We will soon miss the Cold War”: The meaning of 1990 for World Geopolitics

After half a century of a bipolar world order, the end of the Cold War marked the beginning of a new era, widely welcomed with enthusiasm by political leaders and populations around the world…

Illiberalism in Hungary and the European Union’s sanction mechanisms

Illiberalism in Hungary and the European Union’s sanction mechanisms

In his speech at Băile Tuşnad (Romania) of 26 July 2014, Viktor Orbán, the Hungarian Prime Minister since 2010, stated…

Cherries on the mountains

Cherries on the mountains

Account of European volunteering in Cyprus View from Fidkias Hill above Pedoulas on Marathassa Valley Spring 2021: dismal times to…
