Classe Internationale

Votre revue d'analyse internationale

Catégorie : English

What future is there for Europe beyond Modernity?

What future is there for Europe beyond Modernity?

“Time is out of joint– Hamlet”[1] In today’s day and age, in this mythical and metahistorical now that is Europe’s…

The meaning of « European identity » today (III)

The meaning of « European identity » today (III)

Multiples pathways to European identity formation: another forms of late national identity? European national identity: A Europe of values? Even…

The meaning of « European identity » today (II)

The meaning of « European identity » today (II)

Measuring European identity: what does “feeling Europeans” actually mean? The emergence of a European civic mass identity Adopting the bottom…

Refugees : an asset for western economies

Refugees : an asset for western economies

Today with rising populism all over the world, it seems that migrants are not welcome everywhere. Populist leaders are constructing…

The meaning of “European identity” today (I)

The meaning of “European identity” today (I)

  Who is or should be European? Is there a European identity? How can we conceptualize it? And above all…

Philanthropy: a matter of public policies or a private venture?

Philanthropy: a matter of public policies or a private venture?

How to ponder philanthropy? Over time, it has been an issue which has committed governments and entrepreneurs. Let’s analyze six points of view about this topic.

To sink or not to sink, that is the question

To sink or not to sink, that is the question

Brexit won after the June’s referendum in 2016. The expected effects were important, especially for the British economy. As 2017…
