At the heart of the Indo-Pacific, Vietnam has developed a defence strategy focused on safeguarding its sovereignty against complex security challenges and a growing regional competition. Tensions over maritime claims in the East Sea and China’s rising power ambitions drive Vietnam to strengthen its military capabilities by modernising its armed forces and building a strategic network of bilateral and multilateral partnerships.
LireThe sovereignty transfer of the Chagos Islands
Decades after the end of British control, the Chagos Islands were officially returned to Mauritius. While this resolution, particularly its legal dimensions, is experienced as a significant victory for Mauritius, it remains insufficient for the Chagossian people. They continue to seek justice for the human rights violations they endured, including the forced displacement from Diego Garcia, the largest island to which they are still unable to return.
LireLa menace de la montée des eaux pour les États insulaires du Pacifique : Cas de Tuvalu et des Îles Marshall
Le changement climatique menace la survie des États insulaires du Pacifique, illustrée par les exemples de Tuvalu et des Îles Marshall, en raison de la montée des eaux. Ces États font face à un certain nombre de problématiques telles que la migration internationale, le statut de réfugiés climatiques, les pertes culturelles, la justice environnementale et la responsabilité de la communauté internationale.
LireHosting embassies at Louis XIV’s & Qianlong’s courts: two rulers, one guest ritual?
Although Louis XIV is more commonly associated with the Kangxi emperor, when it comes to guest ritual, the analogy with his grandson the Qianlong emperor appears quite relevant. Not only did the two rulers share a common conception of the guest ritual, in particular for embassies from afar, they also lent it a similar meaning and political function in the construction of their royal authority. Centered around diplomatic protocol, this quiet battle between two sovereigns during diplomatic visits sheds a light on the underlying conflictuality which underpins the meeting of two civilizations.
LireRéinterroger le concept et la rhétorique de l’État défaillant en Afrique : Représentations, interventionnisme et sociologie de la déviance
Si les relations internationales sont faites d’actions, les mots ont aussi leur importance. Ils sont vecteurs de représentations. Ils cadrent le débat. En faisant la généalogie des concepts autour de l’État défaillant en Afrique, cet article permet d’interroger l’efficacité de l’intervention armée pour la construction et la légitimité des pays concernés.
LireSi vous disposez d’une connexion Internet et d’une âme de chef d’État, j’ai une très bonne nouvelle à vous annoncer : vous pourriez bien voir votre rêve se réaliser et vous retrouver, dans quelques mois, à la tête d’un État florissant, disposant de son appareil sur-mesure et d’une population dévouée…
LireYou have been lied to about plastic recycling : where the plastic in our oceans really comes from.
I always believed that when I discarded my shampoo bottle, it went to a waste sorting unit where workers sort the materials by types – plastic, cardboard, metal, etc. My bottle was then sent to the nearest facilities that could recycle it. Following this worthwhile effort, and some chemical restoration…
When it comes to negotiation analysis, several transversal aspects are often studied and mentioned by scholars: culture, symmetries in power, leadership, etc. Gender is rarely one of them. However, resolution 1325…
Lire“We will soon miss the Cold War”: The meaning of 1990 for World Geopolitics
After half a century of a bipolar world order, the end of the Cold War marked the beginning of a new era, widely welcomed with enthusiasm by political leaders and populations around the world…