Classe Internationale

Votre revue d'analyse internationale

Étiquette : gaz de schiste

The EU’s ambivalent attitudes on Algeria’s shale gas extraction

The EU’s ambivalent attitudes on Algeria’s shale gas extraction

The exploitation of shale gas, particularly through hydraulic fracturing, has sparked significant debate due to its environmental and social impacts. This paper examines the EU’s ambivalent stance on shale gas extraction, focusing on the case of Algeria, a country rich in shale gas reserves. Despite the EU’s internal policies that discourage fracking due to its environmental risks, some member states support shale gas extraction abroad, notably in Algeria. Since 2013, Algeria has become a focal point of conflict over shale gas, experiencing both local and national protests against fracking. These protests highlight the environmental and social ramifications of shale gas exploitation, such as water contamination, air pollution, and social inequality.

Trump : un regain de climato-scepticisme aux États-Unis ?

Trump : un regain de climato-scepticisme aux États-Unis ?

« Le concept de réchauffement climatique a été créé par et pour les Chinois afin de rendre l’industrie américaine non-concurrentielle…

Gazprom au coeur de la puissance russe

Gazprom au coeur de la puissance russe

     En 1965, a été créé le ministère soviétique de l’industrie gazière, chargé de la prospection, de l’extraction, du…
